24 Minutes
Is All You Need…

...With These New At Home Metabolic
Strength Conditioning Movements It’s Possible
To Sculpt A Lean & Muscular Body At ANY Age

In Just 24 Minutes A Day!

Boost Fat Loss

Metabolic Strength Conditioning is a science-backed combination of strength training with a very specific set and rep scheme to help build muscle and burn fat at the same time. This method also activates up to 72-hours of post-exercise fat burn that continues even when laying around the house or sleeping.*

Increase Vitality

The latest research shows the unique combination of movements inside Fit After 50 is a powerful formula to support vitality. It does this by boosting your cell’s mitochondria production which helps keep one feeling young and healthy inside and out regardless of age.*

Skyrocket Energy Levels

Metabolic Strength Conditioning won’t drain your body of energy like other forms of traditional exercise (running on the treadmill, lifting super-heavy weights). Instead, this protocol will initiate a steady flow of all-day energy and reduce fatigue to get more done during the day no matter the age.*

Support Youthful T-levels

Studies show this combination of at-home movements can increase T-levels in men. Certain forms of exercise can decrease T. Not the case with Metabolic Strength Training. This at-home method supports youthful T-levels to further help build muscle, burn fat, feel energetic, and keep your wife or girlfriend happy.*

Reduce Aches And Pains

Harvard Medical School shows this training style can help reduce pain. Think of the different parts of your body like the hinge on a door. If it never moves, it’ll rust. If you swing it open too hard, eventually it’ll bust… but if you gently move it, it’ll last a long time. Plus, if you suffer from aches and pains or old injuries, these carefully-selected exercises can help minimize its interruptions in daily life.*

Build Lean Muscle & Strength

With Metabolic Strength Conditioning it’s possible to sculpt lean muscle and strength without the gym or expensive equipment. And this newfound muscle and strength will help you dominate outdoor work projects, crush your hobbies, and perform like a well-oiled machine thanks to this unique at-home protocol.*

What You Get Inside Fit After 50

  • Phase 1: Burn (weeks 1-4)
  • Phase 2: Build (weeks 5-8)
  • Phase 3: Sculpt (weeks 9-12)
  • Bonus #1: Exercise Illustrations & Execution Guide
  • Bonus #2: 12 Week Nutrition Plan
  • Bonus #3: Know Your T Levels (testosterone tracker guide)
  • Exclusive Members Only Facebook Support Group
  • 24-7 Support & Assistance!

*Results will vary based on how long and how closely you follow the information presented, as well as other individual biological factors.

Frequently Asked Questions

How fast will I see results?

You should begin to feel a difference within 7 days of starting the program. In the first week, you’ll be a little sore, but that’s a good sign! That means your body isn’t used to the stimulus so it’ll be forced to adapt and change.From there, the workouts will get easier and you’ll begin to notice improvements in the mirror. You’ll see more muscle. The midsection will shrink. Your strength will go up and you’ll enjoy more energy without a crash.

Is this program safe for a guy over 50?

Yes! It’s not only safe for a guy over 50, but it’s specifically created for men over 50.

Fit After 50 is a complete system designed to help support youthful T levels, build muscle, burn fat, increase energy levels and reclaim a fit and athletic body. And rest assured, not only will you stay away from dangerous weights and long boring cardio sessions that bang up the knees... but each workout helps reinforce your body and joints. Fit After 50 is a safe, effective and 100% beginner-friendly plan for guys of all body types and fitness levels.

I’m not 50 yet, can I still do this?

Absolutely. I recommend this program for men 35+ who don’t have time for the gym but want to get in killer shape. As we get older, life can throw some curveballs. And that can make finding time to get and stay in shape harder. That’s one of the reasons we made Fit After 50 so quick, efficient and results-driven. Follow this plan and you’ll be better off than a lot of guys your age by the time your 50s and 60s roll around. Less joint pain. More muscle, less fat. And it’s very rare to get an injury on this program. So yea, if you’re not 50 yet, this program is still a great option and my clients find it gives them awesome results from home.

How much time do I have to put in to see results?

That’s up to you. Plain and simple. The more put in, the more results you’ll see. If you do everything I say starting right now when you click the add to cart button, you’ll begin to see changes quickly.

Will my results be permanent?

Again, this one’s up to you. The more effort you give, the more results you’ll see.

Now, once you’re done with Fit After 50, you can still follow the workouts and principles to make sure your results stay forever. You can’t just workout for three months and then forget about taking care of your body. But after Fit After 50, it’ll be less work and easier to maintain the results you get.

Do I need to belong to a gym?

No you don’t. This is an at-home workout plan, meaning you won’t have to set foot in a gym to do it. All you need is a set of dumbbells and/or bands and of course, your bodyweight. We also have dozens of substitution exercises to help you along no matter how “minimalist” you go.

What makes Fit After 50 different from every other program?

What makes Fit After 50 so unique is the double combination of Metabolic Strength Conditioning and Functional Cardio/Abs, which uses simple but powerful movements to stimulate muscle growth and enhance your health without putting unnecessary strain on the body.

They also can increase your metabolism and keep it running for up to 72-hours, making it possible to burn fat around the clock without missing a beat… which is one of the biggest perks that my clients love about this program.

I’m overweight and feel stuck with where I’m at. Will this work for me?

Yes it will. This program is 100% beginner-friendly. We're not doing anything extreme to get results, but instead using a methodical, science-based approach with a carefully-selected combination of exercises for guys in our age bracket. I’ll be in your corner to help you get the results you desire.

Is the 365-day money back guarantee real?

Yes of course it’s real. You have 365 days to try it risk free.

The program itself is only 3 months long. But I wanted to give you plenty of extra cushion to go through the program under my guarantee… so even if you can’t start right away, you don’t feel like you’re under the gun.

My recommendation? If you can start the program right away, do it. If you can’t, then purchase Fit After 50 now so you get it at the limited-time price while it’s still available on this page. Try it out whenever is best for you within the year. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain when you join our Fit After 50 community today.

I don’t like exercise. Will I still see results? Can I still do this?

You don’t have to “like” exercise to get started. But yes, you will have to give me an effort to see results.

Don’t worry, you won’t have to become a gym rat or anything like that. Just a few short workouts like the ones inside is all you need. I’ve created this to be an at-home workout program so you don’t have to worry about the things you hate about going to a gym.

Instead, it's possible to transform from the comfort of home. Plus, if training in front of the television, or with your kids at your side helps you to enjoy it more, do that. This is your program.

Is Fit After 50 a physical or digital product?

Fit After 50 is completely digital which means you can download it onto your computer right after you purchase. This gives me the opportunity to keep the costs down for you. And of course, if you want something physical, feel free to print off the entire program and put it into a binder. We have guys in our community who do that too.

How do I get started?

It’s easy. Click the “Buy Now” button below. You’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you’ll safely enter your credit card information and an email address where I can send Fit After 50 to you. Within a few seconds to a minute, you’ll get an email where you can access the entire program.

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